Know Our Process of Providing Solutions

In order to accomplish a typical project, we follow the outline of the steps involved from start to finish. Every step is categorized with the specific task and resources for each of the projects. The exact process is a flow of business idea, user description, backlogs, sprint plant and hence the final product delivery. You can get a brief idea of the entire development procedure from the image below.

how we work

How We Work

Let us take a look over different stages of the general product development process at Valiant Technosoft.

process of work

1. Vision

In the very first we collect the initial information of the business project or idea to acknowledge the client requirements relevant to the targeted niche.

2. User Stories

After we clarify the purpose of the project, we establish different milestones to study various user roles and henceforth reach the objective.

3. Backlogs

In order to accomplish the desired milestone of the project, we have prioritized a certain task list to complete it from scratch and handle the backlogs.

4. Sprint Plan

In this event, our team will address the product backlog items and work upon them in a determined time span. Every sprint plan lasts from the sprint backlog to the sprint goal.

5. Final Product

A final product is achieved after a series of iterative work sequences within a time-boxed event called sprint. Our mission is to look over the product opportunities at various stages and make changes relevantly.

Know More About Sprint Plan / Scrum Process

Sprint is a core part in the world of Agile Methodologies. During sprint planning, our entire team comes on the same page and agrees to complete the set of backlog items in predefined time duration.

Consider a 2-3 weeks sprint plan to achieve a product backlog. To address this backlog, we assign it as a sprint backlog to the appropriate team and discuss the outcomes. During the cycle of sprint plan, we execute daily scrum meeting to locate the project status or the loopholes hindering the sprint process. Again, the sprint procedure comes into action and your final product is ready for the delivery.In case of any query, you may consult us

Sprint Plan / Scrum Process

Tools we use

We select tools according to the project’s specifics and needs, not the other way round. Here you’ll find a few examples of our favorite productivity software.

Our Work